pls answer to this question ...
A)hold the first singer the centre singer and the thumb finger of your left hand at right angle to one another if the fore finger points in the direction of magnetic field and Central fingers points in the direction of current the thumb fingers give direction of motion conductor.
B) electric motor is based on the principle that a current carrying conductor placed perpendicular to the magnetic field experience a force.
C) (:) Armature:-is contents of a single loop of circulated copper wire in the form of a rectangle.
(::) brushes:-two carbon brushes B1 and B2 pressed against the commutator. these brushes acts as the contacts between the computer and the terminals of the battery.
(:::) spilt -rings:-Eid contents of two halves R1 and R2 of metallic ring the two ends of the amateur coil are connected to these two halvedring of the Rings. commutators reserves the direction of the current in the armature coil.
✴Stretch the thumb ,fore finger and middle finger of your left hand such that mutually perpendicular .If your fore finger points in direction of magnetic field ,middle finger in direction of current then thumb will point in direction of motion. This rule was known as Fleming left hand rule.
✴An electric motor utilizes the magnetic effect of current. It works on the principle that when a rectangular coil is placed in a magnetic field and current is passed through torque acts on a coil which rotates in continuously.When the coil rotates the shaft to it also rotates and electrical energy supplied to the motor is converted into mechanical energy.
✳It is used in electric machines for generation of power.
✳It is used to monitor the current in DC motor.
✳They carry current to the armature.
✳They work with commutator as alternative to switch off the current to the proper winding of armature as it rotates.
✳Used for reversing the direction of current.