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Tropical rain forests or evergreen forests are found in areas receiving heavy rainfall. ... Tropical deciduous forests are also called monsoon forests. They are less dense. They shed their leaves at a particular time of the year.
I hope this helps
1. Telangana Ku Haritha Haram or Haritha Haram is a large-scale tree-planting program implemented by the Government of Telangana to increase the amount of tree cover in the state from 24% to 33%.
2. Definition. Evergreen forest refers to a forest made up of evergreen trees while deciduous forest refers to a forest made up of deciduous trees, which lose their leaves seasonally.
Leaves. The trees of an evergreen forest do not shed their leaves seasonally while the trees of deciduous forest shed their leaves seasonally.
Type of Weather. Furthermore, the vergreen forests survive in warm weather while the deciduous forests shed their leaves to survive in both cold and dry conditions.
3. Over half of the world’s forests have been destroyed over 10,000 years, the majority in just the last 50 years. These immense changes include large-scale extinction events, desertification, climatic changes, topsoil loss, flooding, famine, disease outbreaks, and more. Deforestation has even been caused by extensive war—throughout history fire has often been used to deprive the enemy of necessary …