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Now it’s time to explain the degree of comparison exercise with answers. See the following explanations.
Here, Ram is compared with the whole group i.e. class. Ram is the all-alone boy who is talented in the class. All the other people are not as talented as Ram. It means no other boy in the class is as talented as Ram.
Here, Mr. Verma is compared with the men of the company. The other man in the company is not so wise as Mr. Verma. So, the positive sentence is no other man in the company is as wise as Mr. Verma.
In this sentence, Ram is compared with Majid. Majid is weak and Ram is strong. So we can say, Majid is not so strong as Ram.
In this sentence, Lucknow is compared with some cities. There are some cities which are as beautiful as Lucknow. It means Lucknow is not all alone in beauty. So, the positive degree is Very few cities in India are as beautiful as Lucknow.
I am compared to you. You are not strong. You are weak. So we can say I am not so weak as you.