pls pls pls do not post incorrect answer
pls answer last three question
Ans 1: The colour of the peacock' s feathers were blue, purple and green.
Ans 2: The peacock made fun of other birds as they had fewer feathers and less colour.
Ans 3: I don't know the answer to this question.
Ans 4: The peacock asked the crane whether he has noticed the peacock' s feathers.
Ans 5: Because his feathers beautiness is similar to that of a king's dress.
Ans 6: The peacock thought that the crane would be jealous of him as he has very beautiful feathers while the crane has grey & dusty feathers & the crane would have thought that "I wish I also had beautiful feathers".
Ans 7: I don't know the answer to this question.
Ans 8: The crane felt very teachable when he flew off into the sky and the beautiful peacock could not follow him.
Ans 9: The story is trying to teach the reader that we shouldn't tease anyone.