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he was very sad that day. an incident took place in the school which made him very unconfident. in the school there was a singing competition and Aryan took part in that. he was very excited for the competion. he was sitting in the class and was writing the test , suddenly the bell for the lunch rang and all the students took there lunch boxes and went for the lunch. Aryan was informed that he have to come for the competition after the lunch break. when the lunch break got over he prepared for the competition and went to the hall where it was held. he was now very nervous. when his name was announced he went to stage and start singing his legs were shivering his voice was also not very nice. he sang and all the students start laughing at him. he was already nervous and there reaction made him to fall on the satge. actually Aryan was not a good singer and also a low confident boy but his parents made him to take part in it. and when the students laughed on him he just lost his confidence and fall down. from that day Aryan never took part in any competition and he is still effected by that incident. one incident can shatter you if you are sensitive.
if the students did not laughed at him and increased his confidence than he would have sang very nicely.
nice handwriting