plz answer in detail it should be 3 or 4 pages answer

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that main steps are
1) avoid the unusual throw out the substance from your homes
by throwing it you are not removing the pollution of your house but you are making it a very large because if they collect together they found a large part of pollution and they will defect also our home.
2) plant maximum amount of trees
by planting the trees you are helping the environment to remove pollution .as3 take the carbon dioxide from the environment and which carbon dioxide can leads to the global warming because the carbon dioxide affect the environment today's temperature so if plants absorb carbon dioxide and global warming will be less.
so we have the need to plant maximum trees
3) don't burn the waste of your fields because bhai burning that you are making a pollution that will lead to the increase of global warming.
4) make the rivers clean so as that their pieces can live very finely and their ecological balance does not gets damaged.
1) avoid the unusual throw out the substance from your homes
by throwing it you are not removing the pollution of your house but you are making it a very large because if they collect together they found a large part of pollution and they will defect also our home.
2) plant maximum amount of trees
by planting the trees you are helping the environment to remove pollution .as3 take the carbon dioxide from the environment and which carbon dioxide can leads to the global warming because the carbon dioxide affect the environment today's temperature so if plants absorb carbon dioxide and global warming will be less.
so we have the need to plant maximum trees
3) don't burn the waste of your fields because bhai burning that you are making a pollution that will lead to the increase of global warming.
4) make the rivers clean so as that their pieces can live very finely and their ecological balance does not gets damaged.
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Hey user !!
Here is your answer !!
Our surroundings should be clean. We shouldn't harm our environment.
But nowadays Humans are polluting the environment without any care.
That's not a good thing. So there are many steps which can be taken to clean up the environment.
We can discover different ways to clean up the environment.
But it's the main thing that we shouldn't throw the garbage in our surroundings.
So we should avoid the garbage. Garbage had only destroyed the environment.
We should try or just make sure to clean our environment.
Our environment should be pollution free. We must try to despose off biodegradable and non -biodegradable wastes.
We should not pollute our environment.
We use pesticides and chemicals at home, laboratries, fields etc.
So it will be better if we reduce the use of these chemicals contaminants .
Note it a healthy environment begins from our home!
Planning of food locally helps in reducing the overall transportation .
This is because it reduces the requirements of pesticides and preservatives to preserve them.
These preservatives directly pollute the air.
It is also a proven fact that organic food is more sustainable ,unlike the food items that are preserved.
This is because it reduces the need of using pesticides & chemicals.
Due to carbon mostly air pollution is caused. We can lower the temperature of air conditioner, heater.
We should not pollute the environment n air. We should save electricity also.
Lower the energy consumption as you can.
Many waste products like plastic, paper can be recycled instead of disposal in the dustbin.
This will prevent the air pollution accumulation on burning the waste products.
We can also use recyclable bags, things. So there are many steps and ways through which we can recycle the things.
It is the need of an ecosystem to have a good interaction with animals, organisms.
So we should maintain a healthy environment and ecosystem.
Our ecosystem is gradually effected by Global warming.
We will be definitely able to clean and maintain a healthy environment and ecosystem.
As already discussed that air pollution is harmful then the wooden stove is also responsible for this.
As it produces a lot of smoke in air .We can cook our food using low cost energy appliancies .
This will anywhere help us. In fact there's a advantage of using energy appliance as it will cook food fast n easily.
This serves as a best means to conserve the energy .
We can buy these appliances that are not only economically friendly but energy efficient.
One of the best way to save electricity is switch off the fans, other electronic devices when these are not in use.
Try solar power for heating water.
#Go Green
Hope it is satisfactory :-)
Here is your answer !!
Our surroundings should be clean. We shouldn't harm our environment.
But nowadays Humans are polluting the environment without any care.
That's not a good thing. So there are many steps which can be taken to clean up the environment.
We can discover different ways to clean up the environment.
But it's the main thing that we shouldn't throw the garbage in our surroundings.
So we should avoid the garbage. Garbage had only destroyed the environment.
We should try or just make sure to clean our environment.
Our environment should be pollution free. We must try to despose off biodegradable and non -biodegradable wastes.
We should not pollute our environment.
We use pesticides and chemicals at home, laboratries, fields etc.
So it will be better if we reduce the use of these chemicals contaminants .
Note it a healthy environment begins from our home!
Planning of food locally helps in reducing the overall transportation .
This is because it reduces the requirements of pesticides and preservatives to preserve them.
These preservatives directly pollute the air.
It is also a proven fact that organic food is more sustainable ,unlike the food items that are preserved.
This is because it reduces the need of using pesticides & chemicals.
Due to carbon mostly air pollution is caused. We can lower the temperature of air conditioner, heater.
We should not pollute the environment n air. We should save electricity also.
Lower the energy consumption as you can.
Many waste products like plastic, paper can be recycled instead of disposal in the dustbin.
This will prevent the air pollution accumulation on burning the waste products.
We can also use recyclable bags, things. So there are many steps and ways through which we can recycle the things.
It is the need of an ecosystem to have a good interaction with animals, organisms.
So we should maintain a healthy environment and ecosystem.
Our ecosystem is gradually effected by Global warming.
We will be definitely able to clean and maintain a healthy environment and ecosystem.
As already discussed that air pollution is harmful then the wooden stove is also responsible for this.
As it produces a lot of smoke in air .We can cook our food using low cost energy appliancies .
This will anywhere help us. In fact there's a advantage of using energy appliance as it will cook food fast n easily.
This serves as a best means to conserve the energy .
We can buy these appliances that are not only economically friendly but energy efficient.
One of the best way to save electricity is switch off the fans, other electronic devices when these are not in use.
Try solar power for heating water.
#Go Green
Hope it is satisfactory :-)

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