plz help me...........

Sometimes the question isn't about what makes up a healthy diet; it's about why should a person eat a healthy diet. So, in case you're wondering, here are my top ten reasons why you should eat a healthy diet.
Makes Losing Weight Easier,Also Makes Gaining Weight Easier,Reduces Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes,It's Good for Your Heart,And Reduces Your Risk of Some Types of Cancer,Sets a Good Example for Your Kids,No Need to Waste Money on Supplements,Helps You Feel More Energetic,It's Good for Your Skin and Hair,Helps Keep Your Digestive System Healthy.
b)Proteins are important building blocks of all the cells in the body. Protein provides the raw materials the body needs to develop and function. Dietary requirements for protein are affected by many factors, including age and growth. Younger children especially need more protein than adults because their bodies are still growing.
c)Inadequate cooking is a common cause of food poisoning. Cross contamination from raw to cooked foods, such as from hands or utensils, can also cause foodpoisoning. Most foods, especially meat, poultry, fish and eggs, should be cookedthoroughly to kill most types of food poisoning bacteria.
d)The three factors that lead to nutrient loss are heat, oxygen, and light.
The interiors of uncut produce is protected from oxygen and light, but exposed when cut.
The nutrient that suffers the heaviest hit in cut fruits and vegetables is probably vitamin C, although some vitamin A and vitamin E get lost as well. These vitamins are antioxidants, which means they react to oxygen. The peels and coverings naturally protect the antioxidant vitamins inside. Once you break through the protective coverings, the flesh inside is exposed to air and the oxygen reduces the antioxidant vitamins.
Vitamin C is carried by water, which is why it is easier for it to leak out in the fluids released after cutting, or in water you may use to rinse the cut produce. Vitamins that carried in fat, such as vitamin D, do not leach out as easily.
Cutting also raises the respiration rate, which results in sugars inside the produce being broken down and carbon dioxide released. This can result in faster spoilage as well as a change in the taste and texture of the produce.
Lower temperatures help slow respiration, so pre-cut produce should be kept refrigerated.
Most other nutrients, including minerals, B-complex vitamins, and fiber, aren't lost after cutting or peeling the inedible rind from fruits and vegetables. For fruits and vegetables with edible skins or rinds, it's best to eat them intact so you get the nutrients and fiber contained the rind.
Potatoes, carrots, and cucumbers, for example, can be simply rinsed thoroughly and used as they are.
b) children need more amount of body building food than adults because of growth.
c) cooking of some food is necessary so that harmful bacteria present it it could be killed and also for improving the taste.
d) cut fruits like apple contain iron when left outside cut they from a brown layer which when eaten is harmful for our health
4. a) carbohydrates group
b) protein group
hope this helps you :)