Science, asked by RADHAANNU, 1 month ago

plz helped in my question inside=

for each of the following general statements change all of the pronouns and possessive adjectives to agree with the pronoun given in brackets:;::::;;;;;;::::::::

(1) we should work hard to achieve your goal.

(2) when you are tired, you should try to give yourself time to relax.(we)

(3) one can never be sure whether once's intention are correct.(you)

(4) if one releases something good, one should surely do that.(we)

(5) if one own property, we should protect ourselves with a good insurance policy.(one)

(6) we should have patience in every circumstances.(you)

(7) we should try to educate ourselves as well as possible. (you)
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Answered by sohana31

1.We should work hard to achieve our goal.

2.When we are tired we should give some time to relax.

3.You can never be sure weather once intention is correct.

4.If one releases something good ,we should surely do that.

5.If one own a property ,one shed protect themselves with a good insurancy policy.

6.You should have some patience in every circumstance.

7.You should try to educate yourselves as well as possible...

Answered by ca005660


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