English, asked by anshuamitmkv08, 1 year ago

plz provide me as possible as plzz​



Answered by piyushkumar2839


we have not read the chapter how will we tell you the question and answers and reference to context

Answered by ishikap226


(a) Why was the speaker’s father given a jeep?

Answer: The speaker’s father was given a jeep by the government because he was District Employment Officer.

(b) Why did the speaker’s father not use it to commute to office?

Answer: The speaker’s father did not use jeep to commute to office because he believed that it was not his jeep but the government’s jeep and so, he should not misuse it. he used to walk to office every day(b) Why did the speaker’s father not use it to commute to office?

(c) How was the speaker family expected to treat the driver?

Answer: The jeep driver was treated with the respect that was due to any other member of the father’s office.


(a) What did the speaker’s father refer to as ‘five houses’?

Answer: The speaker’s father refers to his sons as ‘five houses’.

(b) Why do you think he referred to them as ‘ houses’?

Answer: He referred to them as ‘houses’ because they were his most significant and worthy possessions.

(c) What lesson did the speaker and his siblings learn from this comment?

Answer: The speaker and his siblings learnt that it was important not to measure personal success and sense of well-being through material possessions.


(a) Who was she and why had she come to the speaker’s father?

Answer: She was the nurse and she had come to the speaker’s father to change the blood transfusion bottle that was empty.

b) Why was the speaker’s father concerned about her?

Answer: The speaker’s father was concerned that the nurse was working long hours at night, when she should ideally be at home.

(c) Why was the speaker stunned?

Answer: The speaker was stunned because the nurse was rude and uncaring but his father still spoke to her so kindly.


Question 5: What difficulties did the speaker face in Koraput during his childhood?

Answer: The speaker did not have the luxuries of electricity, primary school or water from a tap. Because there was no school till he was eight years old, he was home schooled till then.

Question 6: Reading the newspaper aloud daily was one of the household duties of the speaker. Why was he grateful for his practice later in life?

Answer: The speaker was grateful because it was this duty of reading the newspaper aloud that taught him that the world was larger than Koraput. He also acquired the English language through this habit. From the newspaper routine, the speaker also learned about showing consideration to others. His father would say: You should leave your newspaper and your toilet the way you expect to find it.


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