plzz answer these guys......

Answered by
5.refer book
6. heterotrophic.depend on other organisms.
saprophytes.depend on dead and decaying organic matter.
7.a.the main function of sclerenchyma is to provide a rigid and strong support to the plant part.without intercellular spacesuit would not be able to provide rigidity
b.because it covers by waxy cuticle which does not allow dust paricles to enter and it protect s against microorganisms
6. heterotrophic.depend on other organisms.
saprophytes.depend on dead and decaying organic matter.
7.a.the main function of sclerenchyma is to provide a rigid and strong support to the plant part.without intercellular spacesuit would not be able to provide rigidity
b.because it covers by waxy cuticle which does not allow dust paricles to enter and it protect s against microorganisms
thank you
Answered by
5.refer book
6.hetrotrophs.depends on other organisms
saptrotrophs.dead decaying material
7.because lignin present in it.
8.because waxy cuticle present in it.
6.hetrotrophs.depends on other organisms
saptrotrophs.dead decaying material
7.because lignin present in it.
8.because waxy cuticle present in it.
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