plzzz ans all the questions

i) Ceaser decided to go to sentae house because the Decius Brutus interfare the talk between the Ceaser and his Wife. Becuase Decius Brutus was good in his speaking.
iii) Writer's Inspiration Bureau was formed by those ghosts who was unsuccsefull writer in their life. So this bureau can help those people who are unable to get ideas for their stories.
v) It is true that Nicola and Jacopo’s self-less actions and love for their sister, Lucia brought and promised new hope for society. Their divine deeds teach the readers and the entire mankind many values. They were the epitomes of selfless-love. Only angels could work like them; they were living for their sister only. The author was stunned at their maturity; their patience; their pride in themselves!
iii)The writer's inspiration bureau was formed to help the story writers to get an idea about their story.
iv)In the poem poet conveys the message that we should not blindly trust others,the world is cruel and cunning,if we'll blindly on someone they might exploit u.
v)Both the brothers were very dedicated and hardworking,even war could not break their spirits.As they spent negligible on food and clothes for them and did odd jobs for curing their sister,this give hope to the society to work exceptionally hard and not to lose hope to gain something!!