English, asked by Anonymous, 7 months ago

Plzzzzz write a essay on advantages and disadvantages of lockdown.


Answered by anishlaha

Essay on the advantages and disadvantages of this lockdown.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this lockdown?

No doubt that this lockdown has affected human lives adversely, this has come up with a lot of benefits too. Every coin has two sides and on a similar level, this virus pandemic, and the crisis has its own advantages as well as disadvantages. To list a few of them down, here is a list of all the advantages and disadvantages that you can understand.


Advantages of this lockdown are as follows

You can start learning a new skill during this lockdown: This lockdown when you have the opportunity to stay at home, start learning something new and enroll for a new course or skill and gain knowledge about the same. This will open more gates of opportunity for you in the future and increase your asset in terms of your skillset.


Spend time with your family: We all have been busy with our work, in our studies and in whatever we do and this leads to a distance with our families. Now is the time, when you are in this lockdown and free for some time, spend time with your loved ones. Family is important and during this time, you can take advantage and spend more time with your family.

Follow your passion: You are working, running a company, studying, or doing what it takes to grow but at times you aren’t getting enough time to follow your passion. Now is the time to follow your passion and make the most use of your time. Be it painting, sketching, photography, or something else, find what you love and follow that and hone your skills in the same.

Work from home: I understand this can’t be an advantage completely, though from a certain perspective it has allowed you to work on flexible timeframes and you are no more restricted to travel or commute to the office and work there. You can simply work from home for your company and add value to the organization with your work in a remote manner.


The environment has improved: This lockdown has changed the environment and mother nature. As lockdown is initiated, there is no more carbon footprint in the environment and this has led to better air, more oxygen, freedom for plants and animals, and many other natural and environmental things have improved

Disadvantages of this lockdown are as follows:

 The economy of the country: Businesses are shut and companies are hitting the worst phase in their times. As the businesses are affected largely, the economy of the country is being affected. It will revive soon, but the sudden, short-term decline in the market has affected many small traders and business owners. Small retail shop owners, small industries, and other startups have been adversely affected due to this lockdown. This has led to an overall impact on the economy of the country.


Issues faced by workers/labourers/employee: Daily wage workers who are earning on per day basis have been affected due to this lockdown. As they used to earn on daily wages based on the companies outcome, their earnings have stopped as businesses are shut. This has affected a lot of workers and labourers very badly as their income and revenue are completely stopped and they do not have any other source of income.


Students and their studies: Students have been affected by this pandemic too. Schools, colleges, institutes, and universities are shut as social distancing is to be practiced and this has affected students and their studies. The overall education sector has been hit due to the virus. Though students and teachers are connected through video conferencing applications, lectures are going on. These online lectures are not very effective in terms of knowledge sharing and long-term growth.


Travel: People are stuck here and there in the country and due to the lockdown and in order to practice social distancing, public transport is stopped. This affected a lot of people. Many people are stuck in other states and they are not able to come back to their homes as there is no means of proper transportation. A lot of people, be it, students, tourists, workers, or other citizens of the country, are stuck in other states. Due to the travel problem, they are not able to come back and stay with their families.


All the above advantages and disadvantages mentioned are being experienced by people and that’s what the information is all about. The Government of India has now started special trains in the country for migrant workers to travel to their home states and also few relaxations have been given in different states, districts, and cities.

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