English, asked by zainu2, 1 year ago

Poem on Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel in English


Answered by upenderjoshi28

Sardar Patel A Man Of Steel Will


Hail to Sardar Patel, hail to Thee o steel-willed;

Remembering thee the nation is thrilled.

Thou saw India as one strong, big nation;

Thou worked for it with divine dedication.

Epitome of strength, whose invincibility did bend

The intractability of adamant rulers who refused to blend

Their provinces with newly independent India of our dreams;

Marched he resolutely onwards with a decisive team

Of dedicated warriors, at whose sight the monarchs shuddered,

Agreed they to abandon their titles and crowns and uttered

Consent with millions of groans; uniting fragmented India into one

Big nation, Sardar Patel wove, knitted, seamed and spun

The united India’s destiny with his own hands;

Let’s sing praises to him with thunderous bands.       

Answered by dackpower

Such image of iron man

Not seen, never thought

Lion's roar was in the voice

There was a call for softness in the heart


Map of the country changed throughout the moment

He was the leader of the poor

He was the sword for the enemies

Like a storm

A volcano

Gandhi's non-violence weapon

In the world, like a Brahmin

Search the corridors of history

Such Sardar Patel should not get any chance in the world

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