English, asked by nb56183829, 10 months ago

Portrait of an Artist:
Vincent Van Gogh

please explanation in Hindi​



Answered by anuragsrivastava53

UNIT TEST 25/7/2020

Sub- Chemistry


Time-1 hr MM-20

1. Name two processes which provide the best evidence for the motion of particles in matter.(1)

2. Which of the two diffuses faster: a liquid or a gas ?(1)

3. Convert the temperature of 573 k to the celcius scale. (1)

4. Convert the temperature of 373 degree celcius to the Kelvin scale.(1)

5. Define melting point of a substance. (2)

6. Explain why, naphthalene balls kept in stored clothes in our homes disappear over a period of time. (2)

7. What is the (a) common unit of temperature (b) SI unit of temperature? (2)

8. What is brownian motion ? Explain with diagram. (2)

9. What is meant by diffusion ?(2)

10. Explain why, when a bottle of perfume is opened in a room, we can smell it even from a considerable distance. (2)

11. Write the characteristics of particles of matter. (2)

12. Descibe in your own words, what happens to the particles when salt dissolves in water.(2)UNIT TEST 25/7/2020

Sub- Chemistry


Time-1 hr MM-20

1. Name two processes which provide the best evidence for the motion of particles in matter.(1)

2. Which of the two diffuses faster: a liquid or a gas ?(1)

3. Convert the temperature of 573 k to the celcius scale. (1)

4. Convert the temperature of 373 degree celcius to the Kelvin scale.(1)

5. Define melting point of a substance. (2)

6. Explain why, naphthalene balls kept in stored clothes in our homes disappear over a period of time. (2)

7. What is the (a) common unit of temperature (b) SI unit of temperature? (2)

8. What is brownian motion ? Explain with diagram. (2)

9. What is meant by diffusion ?(2)

10. Explain why, when a bottle of perfume is opened in a room, we can smell it even from a considerable distance. (2)

11. Write the characteristics of particles of matter. (2)

12. Descibe in your own words, what happens to the particles when salt dissolves in water.(2)Mam plz check my workMam plz check my workUNIT TEST 25/7/2020

Sub- Chemistry


Time-1 hr MM-20

1. Name two processes which provide the best evidence for the motion of particles in matter.(1)

2. Which of the two diffuses faster: a liquid or a gas ?(1)

3. Convert the temperature of 573 k to the celcius scale. (1)

4. Convert the temperature of 373 degree celcius to the Kelvin scale.(1)

5. Define melting point of a substance. (2)

6. Explain why, naphthalene balls kept in stored clothes in our homes disappear over a period of time. (2)

7. What is the (a) common unit of temperature (b) SI unit of temperature? (2)

8. What is brownian motion ? Explain with diagram. (2)

9. What is meant by diffusion ?(2)

10. Explain why, when a bottle of perfume is opened in a room, we can smell it even from a considerable distance. (2)

11. Write the characteristics of particles of matter. (2)

12. Descibe in your own words, what happens to the particles when salt dissolves in water.(2)संक्रांति से आप क्या समझते हैsir maths ki class zoom app par nahi lagegiसंक्रांति से आप क्या समझते हैsir maths ki class zoom app par nahi lagegi

Answered by raghavambala

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