:-PowerPoint? Explain the various parts of MS-P
क्या है? एमएस पावरप्वाइंट विंडो के विभिन्न पार्टो
का उल्लेख करे?
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A managed service provider (MSP) is an outsourced third-party company that manages and assumes the responsibility of a defined set of day-to-day management services to its customers. It is a strategic method of improving operations that is commonplace among large corporations as well as small and medium-size businesses, non-profit organizations, and governments.
An MSP can handle myriad operational tasks that, though critical to the success of a business, are non-customer facing. Many organizations make the strategic decision to outsource operational processes, due to the efficiencies and expertise such a program brings.
Because of its complex nature, one of the most popular operational task to outsource is the management of a company's contingent labour procurement process. Doing so allows a business to take advantage of an MSP's capabilities and experience, while avoiding the direct cost of managing the program themselves.
The areas of business that are most often outsourced to a managed service provider include: