praghagraph on cleanliness
Cleanliness meaning is “to keep clean and to avoid dirt”. The practice to clean everything is cleanliness. There are different types of cleanliness, the cleaning of clothes, the cleaning to house; the cleaning of streets, the cleaning of ourselves etc. the most important is to clean ourselves because if we do not care for our cleanliness, we do not bother about the cleaning of surroundings. We feel the importance of cleanliness only when we do practice of cleaning ourselves. The practice of hand washing and bathing is necessary to keep ourselves clean. The person who keeps his self dirty, he also keeps his environment dirty and filthy. So to clean the environment, one should practice cleanliness by his own.
Hope this helps
Cleanliness meaning is “to keep clean and to avoid dirt”. The practice to clean everything is cleanliness. There are different types of cleanliness, the cleaning of clothes, the cleaning to house; the cleaning of streets, the cleaning of ourselves etc. the most important is to clean ourselves because if we do not care for our cleanliness, we do not bother about the cleaning of surroundings. We feel the importance of cleanliness only when we do practice of cleaning ourselves. The practice of hand washing and bathing is necessary to keep ourselves clean. The person who keeps his self dirty, he also keeps his environment dirty and filthy. So to clean the environment, one should practice cleanliness by his own.