Hindi, asked by tarun19992110, 1 year ago

(pre-stressed concrete) उपयोग होता है।
luations where pre-stressed concrete is used.
2. एक आयताकार बीम आकार 300 मिमी x 600 मिमी (प्रभावी गहराई) को 20 मिमी व्यास के चार तनाव इत्यात की
छड़ों से प्रबलित की गयी है। 90 किलोन्यूटन-मी के बेन्डिंग मोमेंट के कारण कंक्रीट और स्टील (steel) में विकसित
तनाव (stresses) को बताइए। दिया गया है, m=15
A rectangular beam of size 300 mm x 600 mm


Answered by anmolvats11


Comparison of non-prestressed beam (top) and prestressed concrete beam (bottom) under load:

1. Non-prestressed beam without load

2. Non-prestressed beam with load

3. Before concrete solidifies, tendons embedded in concrete are tensioned

4. After concrete solidifies, tendons apply compressive stress to concrete

5. Prestressed beam without load

6. Prestressed beam with load

Prestressed concrete is a form of concrete used in construction. It is substantially "prestressed" (compressed) during production, in a manner that strengthens it against tensile forces which will exist when in service.[1][2]:3–5[3]

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