preface for consumer awareness
Education is a life long process of constantly acquiring relevant information, knowledge and skills. Consumer education is an important part of this process and is a basic consumer right that must be introduced at the school level. Consumers by definition include all citizens who are, by and large the biggest group, who are affected by almost all government, public or private decisions. The most important step in consumer education is awareness of consumer rights. However, consumer education is incomplete without the responsibilities and duties of consumers, and this influences individual behaviour to a great extent.
Consumer awareness is making the consumer aware of His/Her rights.
Consumer awareness it a marketing term. It means that consumers note or are aware of products or services, its characteristics and the other marketing P's (place to buy, price, and promotion).
Need :
we need it so we will not be misled by producers,it explains if what we buy is worth to our money..and not harmful to us and to environment .
Many people are ignorant of their rights to get protected against the exploitation by so many others. So when there is a forum for such redress of grievances there seems to be no such exploitation by many; and becomes a rare one. So in order to get a clear picture of the level of exploitation of consumers, the awareness is required.
Role of producers
proper labeling, full information, health warnings, handling information, expiration date, etc. keep to requirements, norms, standards
labelproducts according requirements, providing true facts
If they are providing a service they should carry it out with due skill and care. They must also make sure that any materials they provide as part of this service are fit for the purpose.
It is also illegal for a supplier to cut off, or threaten to cut off, supply to a reseller (wholesale or retail) because they have been discounting goods or advertising discounts below prices set by the supplier.
Consumer awareness means to be aware to have knowledge about various consumer production laws, redressal mechanisms and consumer rights including the right to health and safety protection, quality, price, potency of the goods and services purchased by the consumer. Includes the right to be informed.
It is often seen that a consumer does not get the right goods and services. He is charged a very high price or buys goods of adulterated or low quality. Therefore it is necessary to know about the deception him. The following facts need to be made aware of the classified consumers:
To get maximum satisfaction: The income of every person is limited. He wants to buy maximum number of goods and services with his income. He gets complete satisfaction only by this limited adjustment. Therefore, the goods that are measured should be found properly and there should be no deception in it. For this he should be made aware.
Protection Against Exploitation: Consumers are exploited in many ways such as underweight of manufacturers and sellers, overcharging of market price, sale of duplicate goods etc. Big companies also mislead consumers through their advertisements. Consumer awareness is a means to protect them from exploitation by manufacturers and sellers.
To be informed correctly: When we see any item, some special information of it is written on the packet. With it the purchase of that product is also written. Such as - Commodity, Manufacture date, Expiry date, Address of the manufacturing company of the good etc. Batch number of the good. When we buy any medicine, then we get direction about side effects and dangers of medicines. When we buy clothes, we should pay attention to the washing instructions. This information is provided to consumers in order to provide them with important information to obtain information about the correct goods and services they purchase.
Right to Information: In the year 2005, the Government of India has made a law known as Right to Information. Right to Information Act provides the right to get information about all the activities of government departments. It also provides education to the consumers to get the right consumers.
To correct redressal: Consumers have the right to viable bargaining and settlement against exploitation. The correct solution can be understood through a single example. A man named Ana was admitted to a private hospital to have tonsils removed. An ENT surgeon operated for the removal of tonsils under general anesthesia. Due to this improper anesthesia, he developed symptoms of mental imbalance due to which he became a hindrance for the rest of his life. The Consumer Disputes Redressal Committee found the hospital guilty of negligence in treatment and directed him to pay compensation. Thus, it is clear that if a consumer has to bear any loss, then depending on the amount of loss, the consumer has to get the right redressal.
consumer protection in india
The concept of consumer protection is not new in India. References to consumer interest in trade and industry, protection against exploitation by underweight and measure, adulteration and punishment for these offenses are made in Kautilya's 'Arthashastra'. However, an organized and systematic movement to protect the interest of consumers is a recent phenomenon.
Consumers not only have to be aware of the commercial aspects of the sale and purchase of goods, but also the health and safety aspects. Food safety has become an important element of consumer awareness these days. In the case of food products, its quality depends not only on its nutritional value, but also on its safety for human consumption. It has called for stronger legal measures to ensure that manufacturers and sellers observe uniformity and transparency in prices, stocks and quality of their goods.
consumer protection act
The Consumer Protection Act, 1986 is an Act of 1986 enacted in the Parliament of India to protect the interests of consumers in India. It makes provision for the establishment of consumer councils and other authorities for the settlement of consumer disputes and for doubtful matters.