prepare a assembly with thought,pledge,national anthem, and in the beginning conducter introduction
India is a sovergien republic recalling it's democracy I would like to request my friend (your friend name)to take the pledge
the thoughts of great personality inspares us so I would like to call my friend (your friend name) to tell today's thought
It's the correct Time to salute our motherland so I would like to request u all to recite the national anthem together............
A very warm morning to my preceptor my junior sineior and my dear friend me (your name) along with my classmates going to conduct today's assembly God is omit present the blessings of God create pleasure when children with innocent heart pray together so by joining our hands close our eyes let's pray our self to God
India is a sovergien republic recalling it's democracy I would like to request my friend (your friend name)to take the pledge
the thoughts of great personality inspares us so I would like to call my friend (your friend name) to tell today's thought
It's the correct Time to salute our motherland so I would like to request u all to recite the national anthem together............
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