English, asked by armaanarmaan5925, 4 months ago

Prepare a dailogue writing with you and your parents​


Answered by sunprince0000

Answer:(Parents and his son are sitting in the lobby of their house. They are having the following conversation :)

Parent: How is your vacation going on?

Son: Good! Not much of work to do; just watching TV, chatting with friends, and doing holidays homework! Grandpa how would you spend your vacation when you were of my age?

Parent: Hmm! Well, life at our time was very different. We did not have TVs, mobiles, computers, etc. at that time; we spent our holidays by playing outdoor games, hanging around with friends, playing cards, ludo, etc; and sometimes our parents used to take us to our relatives.

Son: Your life must have been very boring then?

Parent: No, not at all; I never felt bored in my life then! Though I feel quite bored in the current times. Life was full of challenges, and when there are challenges, who has the time to feel bored?

Son: That sounds quite interesting! Would you do your holidays homework?

Parent: No, we just did a little bit of it. Our entire focus used to be on playing and having fun by roaming here and there, plucking fruits from gardens and orchards, or having bath at tube-wells.

Son: Life has really changed a lot! The children these days just remain indoors, watching TV and glued to their mobiles or laptops! Grandpa what type of education system did you have at your time?

Parent: We had basic facilities such as a classroom where we used to sit on floor; a blackboard made by painting black color on the wall. The teacher used to teach us with the aid of the board and books only. The teacher had the freedom to use corporal punishment also! And, we the children had fear in our mind to be canned or slapped anytime!

Son: Really?! Our classrooms are equipped with many teaching aids such as smart-interactive boards connected with internet. And the corporal teaching is banned! Did you enjoy learning in that type of environment?

Parent: Of course! Learning was as exciting as it is today, rather more interesting as in the absence of these gadgets, we used to use the powers of our mind optimally!

Son: I would not have enjoyed learning in that type of environment. Thank God I did not have to grow up in that time! Was there as many varieties of fast-food as we have in the current times?

Parent: Of course we had many varieties of fast-food in our times; but we would eat it very rarely. The junk-food in the modern times is toxic; but in our time it was not.

Son: It means the quality of life was better in the past!

Parent: Undoubtedly! I am healthy even in my seventies just because I have lived in cleaner, purer environment since my childhood.


Answered by kriturajput17


My Father : I think your exam is very near.

Myself : Yes papa . And I am ready for that.

My Father : Have you finished everything?

Myself : Yeah, I have already revised my lesion several times.

My Father : So which grade do you expect ?

Myself : I am hopeful that I will get A+. In the test and pre-test exam I got A+ and I secured the highest marks in our collage.

My Father : Very fine, I also hope so. You also did very well in the SSC exam and we expert that you will continue that trend.

Myself : If everything goes fine then I can meet your expectation.

My Father : Mind that this exam is very crucial because your higher study will depends on this result. If you cannot do well in HSC then you may get chance for higher study in a reputed university.

Myself : That’s true and I was serious since the first day in my collage .

My Father : Another thing that your career will depend on the area of your higher study . So this result will actually determine your career as well.

Myself : Oh really , I never thought that.

My Father : so do your best ,my son.

Myself : Don’t worry , dad . I am fully prepared.

My Father : Go to bad now, its midnight. Let me know if you need anything . Good night

Myself : Good night.

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