Prepare a debate on the topic "JOINT FAMILY" is the most appropriate day of life. Express your view on favour of the above topic.
"Joint Family"
A family when lives together with all family members up to 2nd generation like grand parents, parents, uncle, aunts and their children is called a joint family . The importance of joint family is understood by the Indians since time immemorial.
But while young people are going advanced with their lifestyles, they are shy away from living jointly with their parents and grandparents. These people are usually missed a lot of fun, caring, elder guidance from time to time which causes a lot of problems in the future like loneliness, frustrations. In the joint family , all members are equally sharing all expenses, works and other things with the other members of the family so the burden of work will not be felt by any single person. All children get equal share of love, care, guidance and education by the elder grandparents so that they never miss anything in their whole life.
Similarly they can also easily get help from their parents. Small children will get teaching guidance from their uncle, aunts, and other family members. The sharing resources with the cousins and sisters help parents to minimize the expenses on their child. On the eve of big occasions like marriage, birthdays, engagements, anniversaries etc., the whole work can easily be shared with all members so that the event will be successful. This will bring down the burden from the parents.
Joint Families
Joint family is a blessing for teenagers. The grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins provide a very healthy environment for the all-round growth and development of teenagers. They never leave them alone and unprotected.
In a nuclear family, the teenagers may feel neglected as at times they don’t get enough time and attention from their parents. In case both the parents are working, the consequences can be very detrimental. Alone at home their impressionable minds are prone to negative and evil influences. They may go astray.
However, in a joint family in the presence of so many people, a growing teenager is perfectly safe. Besides, he gets ample opportunity to develop so many lingual and social skills while interacting with his grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins. He grows under their secure warmth, love and protection.
In conclusion it can be said that joint family has many advantages for teenagers.