prepare a huge paragraph about process of ploughing
The prime purpose of ploughing is to turn over the uppermost soil, so bringing fresh nutrients to the surface, while burying weeds and crop remains to decay. Trenches cut by the plough are called furrows. In modern use, a ploughed field is normally left to dry and then harrowed before planting.
a) The first step in crop cultivation is soil preparation which is done to facilitate easy penetration of roots, proper aeration and growth of soil microbes. Soil preparation includes loosening and turning of soil through the process of ploughing. It is done using plough or cultivar followed by breaking the leftover soil crumbs using a leveller to facilitate sowing and irrigation.
b) Soil preparation is followed by sowing, i.e., putting the seeds in the soil. Selection of healthy seeds is prerequisite for sowing. Sowing methods include broadcasting (scattering of seeds over the field), seed drill (sowing of seeds in rows at proper depth and spacing), transplanting, etc. Basic requirements for seed germination and growth of seedling are sunlight, water and nutrient. Sowing of seeds to the right depth and proper spacing between seeds and seedlings are mandatory to ensure that these requirements are met.