Prepare a write up on hassans noble and herioc character
Hasan in the story 'The Seranag of Ranaganji' was a normal person like anyone else. But he is treated as an ugly man and vulgar creature by the social promoters of the ship like Miss Jope-Smith. She makes fun of him without trying to understand his potentials and other good virtues. The story of Hasan , has proved us that we can never judge a man by his looks. Hasan was the only assistant provided to the doctor by the Captain.The doctor was doubtful whether they could handle the situation well.but Hasan helped the doctor silently but efficiently to manage the disaster.When many people in the ship were affected with small pox, Hasan showed no reluctance in taking care of them. He never panicked. He served the people not for any economic profit. He considered it as his duty as a human being to save the people at the time of danger. He didn’t think that he would get the same disease. It was he who took initiative to prepare a shelter for the poor patients on the after deck. He was satisfied with the way he was. He was completely detached from the usual hope of reward. He had courage, self control and faith as his wealth. We will be wondering when we see him sewing the shrouds for the dead people. He himself read aloud a short passage from the Ramayana before their bodies.
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