Prepare an algoritm to show the steps of configiration of computer
Prepare an algoritm to show the steps of configiration of computer
Question No.1: You are required to create Currency Converter web page which can be used to convert input value (Pakistani Rupees) into Dollar, Yuan, Won, Riyal and Dinar.
Guidelines :
• You are required to create a Currency Converter web page which takes value from the user in Pakistani Rupees and converts it into Dollar, Yuan, Won, Riyal and Dinar.
• Create a button labeled as Convert. On Mouse Click event the function “Converter” should be called to convert Pakistan currency to other currencies.
• “Welcome to the online Currency Converter” text should be moving from right to left.
• You are required to enclose all the text boxes, labels and buttons in a border as shown in the sample output.
• You are required to change the background color (other than white) of your web page.
• Create another button labeled as Reset Form to clear text box values.
• You are required to use table so that items of the webpage will be shown in the arranged form.
• If the value is greater than 0 then your webpage will show converted values in Dollar, Yuan, Won, Riyal and Dirham in the given text boxes as shown in sample output.
• If value less than 0 is entered in Pakistani Rupees text box and Covert button is clicked then alert should be shown through window.alert() as:
To convert rupees into other currencies you have to use the following currency values:
1 Dollar= 158.93 Rupees
1 Yuan = 23.12 Rupees
1 Won = 0.14 Rupees
1 Riyal = 42.37 Rupees
1 Dinar = 522.21 Rupees
This is a coding question. And i need an answer for it as soon as possible. I also attached a picture of a html file solution sample. it should appear like this. i hope ill get the answer soon.