Prepare balance sheet of Pawan Kumar and 31st March 2019
case in hand 3247
case at Bank 117
debtors 1520
investment 1500
prepaid expenses 20
motor car 500
furniture 600
building 2465
creditors 3740
loan 525
capital 9150
net profit 657
drawing 603
commission received 500
rent paid 300
salary 2000
printing expenses 50o
closing stock 3500
Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2019
Liabilities Amount Assests Amount
Capital = 9150 Cash In Hand 3247
+ Net profit = 657 9204 Cash At bank 117
- Drawings = 603 Motor Car 500
Loan 525 Furniture 600
Creditors 3740 Buildings 2465
Debtors 1520
Investment 1500
Prepaid expenses 20
Closing stock 3500
13469 13469