present age of Nakul mother is 3 times of present age of Nakul after 5 years their ages will at 66 years find their present age
The present age of Nakul mother is 3 times of present age of Nakul after 5 years the sum of their ages will at 66 years find their present age(complete question)
Present age of Nakul mother is 3 times of present age of Nakul
To find:
Find their present ages.
Let the age of nakul is x
So the age of Nakul's mother is 3x
After 5 years:
Nakul's age = x+5
Nakul mother's age = 3x+5
According to the question
- x+5 + 3x+5 = 66
- 4x+10 = 66
- 4x = 56
- x = 14
Nakul's present age is 14 years
Nakul mother's age is 3×14 = 52 years
The present age of Sahil’s mother is three times the present age of Sahil. After 5 years their ages will add to 66 years. Find their present ages.
Assume present age of sahil be x
Present age of his mother will be 3x
after 5 years
sahil age=x+5
his mothers age =3x+5.
According to question
sahil present age=14 years
his mother present age= 42 years.