Pretend that you get to make one rule that everyone in the world must follow , What rule do you make and why ?
that no one will listen to me
Life is a biggest Rule..
How can I say that ! The one rule I ll be dictating to the whole world would be :
-Love to the others what you would love to yourself-
Let me go more specific. As human beings what made us succeed in this evolution called life and time is that we are a little bit selfish. So, now imagine selfishness spread to an other dimension where everyone is considering others happiness at the same time as its own.
The main question that everybody will constantly be asking is : If I am in the others shoes will my action be accepted ?
Imagine a world where everybody is considering everybody, where actions are conditioned by their impact and where selfishness has a common status.
You wanna steal that man’s pocket ?
How would you feel if you were in his shoes ?
Oh !
You see a man begging.
How would you feel if you were in his shoes ?
Oh !
You see a man writing an answer on quora and not getting any upvotes.
How would you feel if you were in his sandals ? (I am too accurate) :)
Tip : How about we use this rule without being in a hypothetical situation !
Let us all be in each other shoes ! (I have big feet, so please consider that) :)