Problem and not of businese.
Name the business which
maximising as the sale
considers &
obiective of
Name the business
assuming social
whose objective is
resp along with Profit
c) What arguments dees mor. Sagar gove againte
assuming social responsiblitter
1 What would happen if the owner of cloth
goes by abding the social responsib
case study
Sagar is the owner of a cloth factor
he selle his product with the motine &
of maximising his profits for this
he charges higher prices from his
customers and sells them inferior
Quality goods he provides unhyginig
Working condition through his employees
and makes less paymends to them. He
does not even bother to use pollution
Control devices. This has annoyed the
public and they have started organisme
rallies saga met the factory The worker
have also started leaving the business
and consumer's have stopped by this
Product. The government gave notice to
the cloth mill to pay 2 50,ooo as
Penalty the govo mor Sorgar got
de pressed and affrogoked his friend
Mor Akasha the owner of " dromen
and discussed the problem the has
going through Akash advises him to
behaul in socially desirable marmer
along with undertaking profitable
activities. He suggest to him to have
a air dealing with his customers
government workers and Public But
mr. Sagar is not oceady to do so.
As he feels social resp. would
lessen his profit & The amount the
Which he incwoted on Soelal
resp. would ultimately he charged
from customers. T1 TH is the job of
• violation
that mon Sagay gave gogaint
Social responsibilities are at
of maximization of the Profit mots
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