Computer Science, asked by Anonymous, 8 hours ago

Problem Description
You are given two strings, A and B of same length.
In one operation you can set some A[x] equal to B[x], this cost 1 coin.
You can also Reverse a substring A[i...j] atmost once. this cost C coins.
Find minimum operation required to make both string equal.


Answered by rajkumar1234asdfg


here is your answer


You are given two strings, A and B of same length.

In one operation you can set some A[x] equal to B[x], this cost 1 coin.

You can also Reverse a substring A[i...j] atmost once. this cost C coins.

Find minimum operation required to make both string equal.

Problem Constraints

1 <= |A| = |B| <= 1000

A and B consist of lower case alphabets

0 <= C <= |A|

Input Format

First argument of input contains a string A.

Second argument of input contains a string B.

Third argument of input contains an integer C.

Output Format

Return an integer denoting minimum coins to make strings equal.

Example Input

Input 1:

A = "abceda", B = "bdec of", C = 1

Input 2:

A = "finger", B = "ginger", C = 0

Example Output

Output 1:


Output 2:


Example Explanation

Explanation 1:

Initially we have, A = "abceda"

set A[0] = B[0], A = "bbceda"

set A[5] = B[5], A = "bbcedo"

reverse (1,4), A = "bdecbo"

Explanation 2:

set A[0] = B[0]

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