problem on girl Education article
By education, she will stand by her own and can able to fight for her rights. When the girl will raise the voice against the social evils which inflicted for the women such as female foeticide, harassments, dowry system, child marriage, etc.
the society is always ready to blame the girl only but now it is deemed to be possible for the girl child to freely say her opinion and government has been restricted the child marriage, by educating the girl child, one girl can easily become a successful woman in society.
There should not be any differences between boys and girls, the rights should be equal for boys as well as girls.
Reasons For The Girl Child Education
There are some problems in the education of girl child to which some reasons are given as follows:
- Problems On The Family
- Problems On The FamilyViews Of Society
- Problems On The FamilyViews Of SocietyStruggle For Financial
Women’s are a great leader and not just a homemaker. For an adequate representation government, girls can participate in the decision-making process, political assemblies, discussion, etc. education allows the girl to step out from home