product is obtained from the juice of a thin stemmed plant
Kino is a gum or juicy substance produced by thin stemmed plants especially species of eucalyptus trees. These species are commonly referred to as bloodwoods.
This juicy substance is used in medicine, tanning, and dyes.
Kino is obtained from the species of Pterocarpus Erinaceus.
Eucalyptus kino is used in tea for treating cold in Australia.
Kino is tapped by notches made in the trunk or stem.
Answer:Kino is a gum or juicy substance produced by thin stemmed plants especially species of eucalyptus trees. These species are commonly referred to as bloodwoods.
This juicy substance is used in medicine, tanning, and dyes.
Kino is obtained from the species of Pterocarpus Erinaceus.
Eucalyptus kino is used in tea for treating cold in Australia.
Kino is tapped by notches made in the trunk or stem.