Computer Science, asked by mankoo1, 1 year ago

program to print the series (1/2)+(5/6)+(7/8)+(19/20) in java language


Answered by samanvithaappana
the answer is 3.158333
Answered by franktheruler


import java . util. * ;

class java


public void display ( ) // Display method  


  system . out . println ( (1 / 2) + (5 / 6) + (7 / 8) + ( 19 / 20) ) ;


// Main method

public static void main ( string args [] )


 // creating object of java class

java obj = new java ( );

obj . display ( ) ; // here we are calling the display function



system. out. println is used to print a message.

public is a access specifier.  

new keyword is used to create a object of a class.

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