progress of Indian education sector after independence drawing
progress of Indian education sector after independence drawing
Progress of Indian education sector after independence drawing
By lifting itself out of widespread illiteracy, India has managed to bring its education system to par with the global level. After independence, there was a sudden increase in the number of schools. Parliament passed the 86th Amendment to the Constitution in 2002 making primary education a fundamental right for 6-14-year-olds. After independence, the literacy rate of India was 12.02% which increased to 74.04% in 2011.
In November 1948, the Radhakrishnan Commission was set up to report on university education in the country. The report of this commission is of utmost importance in the field of university education in independent India. This commission made the following recommendations-
- Must have 12 years of pre-university study.
- There should be three main objectives of higher education
The Right to Education (RTE) Act was enacted in 2009, and the Act made education a fundamental right of every child between the ages of 6 and 14. It has also laid down basic norms for all primary schools in the country. Thus, all children got the right to receive free elementary education.