project analysis of earthquakes and volcanics
Using the 1973-2005 worldwide catalogues for M >= 4.8 seismicity and VEI >= 0 volcano eruptions, we find a significant, when tested against catalogue randomizations, increase of eruption onsets on the earthquake day. This result emerges from stacking time series of daily eruption rates relatively to earthquake time, t 0, over the whole seismicity catalogue. It is stronger for earthquake-volcano pairs for which the volcano is within ten rupture size from the epicenter. These results show that M >= 4.8 - VEI >= 0 earthquake-volcano pairs are as important for interaction processes as the M >= 7 and VEI >= 2-5 pairs previously reported to interact. The clustering in time for earthquake-eruption pairs is not bounded to t 0. It remains above the background noise 6-10 days before and after t 0, and follows a power law distribution. These patterns, which are similar to the direct and inverse Omori's laws observed for tectonic earthquakes, are the first evidence for the volcano eruptions to be contemporary of a stochastic brittle damage in the earth crust. The clustering we observe in time and space (i) rejects the earthquake triggering as the single process that drive earthquake-volcano interactions; (ii) supports a regional tectonic coupling in the earth crust damage.
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