Math, asked by gauravjoshi6871, 1 year ago

Project of maths for class 9 area surface volume


Answered by shashigundala

Plane FigurePlane figure are the figure which lies in a plane or to put it simply which we can draw on a piece of paper
Example : Triangle ,circle,quadilateral etc
We have already studied about perimeter and area of the plane figure
Just a recall of them
Solid FigureSolid figure does not lie in a single plane.They are three dimensional figure
Example:Cube ,Cylinder, Sphere
MensurationIt is branch of mathematics which is concerned about the measurement of length ,area and Volume of plane and Solid figurePerimeterThe perimeter of plane figure is defined as the length of the boundaryIt units is same as that of length i.e. m ,cm,km1 Meter10 Decimeter100 centimeter1 Decimeter10 centimeter100 millimeter1 Km10 Hectometer100 Decameter1 Decameter10 meter1000 centimeter

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