Project on different relief features on the surface of the earth
Earth’s surface is the arena for most life and all human activity, yet what lies beneath our feet is as mysterious as it is familiar. Earth scientists or not, we recognize hills, mountains, glaciers, deserts, rivers, wetlands, and shorelines. If a good deal of rain falls, floods may occur; if a storm strikes the coast, the beach may erode; if we are careless with our soil, we may damage or even lose it. These ideas are well known, but with just a few questions we arrive at the edge of our knowledge and face gaps that matter to our safety, our food and water security, the infrastructure of roads and river navigation, and the survival and diversity of ecosystems and services they provide.
Different relief features on the surface of the earth
- As the surface of the planet is uneven and is differently shaped and has uneven elevation the physical surface of the earth or the landscape of the earth is formed by the landforms as the plains, plateaus and mountains, valleys and many more.
- The mountains are steep and vertical inclination of the earth's features and usually form a peak of varying altitudes. They may be due to the folds and faults. They differ as volcanic, residual, and block mountains.
- The plateau are a flat elevated tablelands and occupies a third of the earths landscape and can be formed various process like the rising of volcanic magma, the extrusion of lava, and the erosion by water and glaciers.
- While the plains are a flat and low lying leveled landscape that is made of fertile river valleys and accumulation of sand silt brought by the rivers.
Learn more about the different relief features on the surface of the earth.
- answered by Shivam5370.