Properties and application of nanoparticles
* The use of polymeric Michelle NANOPARTICLE to deliver drugs to tumors.
* The use of polymer coated iron oxide nanoparticleles to break up clusters of bacteria, possibly allowing more effective treatment of chronic bacterial infections.
* The surface change of protein filled NANOPARTICLE has been shown to affect the ability of NANOPARTICLE to stimulate immune responds researched are thinking that these nanoparticle may be use in incapable vaccines.
* Teachers are Rice university have demonstrated that cerium oxide NANOPARTICLE act as an nationwide to remove oxygen free radicle.
* Color_ Nanoparticleles of yellow gold and Grey silicon are red in colour.
* Gold NANOPARTICLE melt at much lower temperature(300°c for 2.5nm size)
* Absorption of solar radiation in photovoltaic cell is much height in NANOPARTICLE than it is in thin films of continuous sheets of bulk material. Since the particles are smaller, they absorb greater amount of solar radiation.
The contribution of nanochemistry in number of innovative products in various disciplincs due to their unique physical, chemical, optical, structural, catalytic properties. Few applications are as follows :
(1) Nanoparticles couribute to sronger, ighter, clcaner and smarter surfaces and systems. They are used in the manutacture of seratchproof eyeglasses, transport, sunsereen, crack resistant paints, ete. Used in clectronic devices like Magnetoresistive Random Access Meniory (MRAM).
(2) Nanotechnology plays an important role in water purification techniques. Silver nanopartücles are used in water purification system to get safe drinking water.
(3) Self ecleansing materials : Lotus is an example of self cleansing. Nanostructures on lotus leaves repel water which carries dirt as it rolls off. Lotus effect is the basis of self cleaning windows.