protonema is generally found in
protonema is generally found in
Protonema is generally found in A LEAFY GAMETOSPORE.
Protonema is a structure formed by germination of spores. This is termed to be primary protonema.Protonema is a creeping, branched filamentous structure. b) Leafy stage: Primary protonema develops a lateral bud which is called as secondary protonema or a leafy stage. It is a bud formed as a tuft of leaves and has branched rhizoids to attach firmly to the substratum. Secondary protonema also gives rise to gametophore initials. Secondary protonema can undergo both sexual and asexual modes of reproduction. It reproduces asexually by the processes of budding and fragmentation. Sexual reproduction is the process which occurs in the leafy stage.Under favourable conditions of moisture, the secondary protonemata are formed from any detached or injured portion of the gametophore as from stem, leaves, antheridium, paraphyses and archegonium. The rhizoids of a leafy gametophore when exposed to light in a moist atmosphere also form secondary protonema. Lateral buds borne on this secondary protonema produce the leafy gametophore. This is a protenema.