Prove that a binary tree with n internal nodes has (n + 1) external nodes
: The proof is by induction on n ≥ 1. For n = 1, a binary tree consisting
of the root alone is a proper binary tree with an odd number of nodes
(namely, one). Thus the result holds for n = 1.
We use the so called course of values induction hypothesis: Assume that
for all proper binary trees with k nodes where 1 ≤ k < n that k is odd.
With this assumption, we wish to prove that the result holds for an arbitrary
(proper) binary tree T with n > 1 nodes. First note that n must be
at least 3 because there are no proper binary trees with 2 nodes. Furthermore
any proper binary tree with 3 or more nodes must have a root with
non-empty left and right subtrees. So T must have at least three nodes
and have non-empty left and right subtrees, TL and TR respectively, each
of which has < n nodes. Each node of TL and TR has zero or two children
since they are a part of the original proper binary tree T. Thus TL and
TR are proper binary trees. By the induction hypothesis each has an odd
number of nodes. Let 2k + 1, k ≥ 0, be the number of nodes of TL and
2m + 1, m ≥ 0, be the number of nodes of TR. Then the number of nodes
of T is 2(k + m) + 2 plus the root, or a total of 2(k + m) + 3, an odd
An extended binary tree with n internal nodes has n+1 external nodes.
Proof by:
X(n) := number of external nodes in binary tree with n internal nodes.
Base case: X(0) = 1 = n + 1.
Induction step: Suppose theorem is true for all i < n. Because n ≥ 1, we have:
X(n) = X(k) + X(n-k-1)
= k+1 + n-k-1 + 1
= n + 1 proved that.
- Every node has 2 children pointers, for a total of 2n pointers.
- Every node except the root has a parent, for a total of n - 1 nodes with parents.
- These n - 1 parented nodes are all children, and each takes up 1 child pointer.
- Thus, there are n + 1 null pointers.
- Every null pointer corresponds to one external node by construction.