Prove that average kinetic energy/ potential energy of a harmonic oscillator is one-half of its total energy.
In Newtonian mechanics, one may derive a virial theorem, which says that the (time-averaged) kinetic and potential energies are related as
2⟨T⟩ = p⟨V⟩,(1)
(1)2⟨T⟩ = p⟨V⟩,
if the potential V(r)∝rpV(r)∝rp is a power law. Thus for the classical harmonic oscillator (HO)
⟨T⟩ = ⟨V⟩.(2)
(2)⟨T⟩ = ⟨V⟩.
In QM the averaging procedure is of a different nature, but even so, it turns out that there are no quantum mechanical corrections to (2) in the HO case.
In Newtonian mechanics, one may derive a virial theorem, which says that the (time-averaged) kinetic and potential energies are related as
2⟨T⟩ = p⟨V⟩,(1)
(1)2⟨T⟩ = p⟨V⟩,
if the potential V(r)∝rpV(r)∝rp is a power law. Thus for the classical harmonic oscillator (HO)
⟨T⟩ = ⟨V⟩.(2)
(2)⟨T⟩ = ⟨V⟩.
In QM the averaging procedure is of a different nature, but even so, it turns out that there are no quantum mechanical corrections to (2) in the HO case.