Prove that the semi latus rectum of a parabola is the harmonic mean of two parts of focal chord??
kiwtjsskzihw dhosshxkodyiwg gadikg guwkrjfawqguexkt skslkggwkge
Insert the missing letters …, ywu, qom, ige
(a) jhg (b) rpq (c) wus (d) mljHistorically Cricket was the sport invented by the British, who played it largely for entertainment a few centuries ago.
It was particularly popular among the British elite and the army folk. Since the army folk were ruling various countries overseas in the 19th and 20th century, they played it at the cantonments wherever they were posted. This way Cricket was largely popularized only among the British colonies (India, Pakistan, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand). Basically the game travelled with the colonial rule.
Since the British rule wasn't pre dominant or strong or present at all in other countries Cricket never picked up
elsewhere. Also since you will be wondering, USA gained independence from the British in 1776 almost a 100 years before cricket
became REALLY popular. Hence cricketA seven molar solution of koh in water contains 40% by weight of koh the density of koh is