Math, asked by kushwahanitin5040, 1 year ago

Prove that the vector space 1 is complete in it’s norm.


Answered by rishirajsharma197

Let X and Y be normed linear spaces, and let B(X,Y) denote the collection of all bounded linear operators from X to Y endowed with the operator norm. Show that B(X,Y) is a normed linear space, and B(X,Y) is a Banach space whenever Y is a Banach space. The vector operations in B(X,Y) are defined pointwise, i.e. (A+B)(x)=Ax+Bx, and (αA)(x)=α(Ax). (Notice that in your case X′=B(X,C) and C is a Banach space)

It is clear that linear operators form a linear space. To show that B(X,Y) is a linear subspace, it is enough to show the closure to addition and scalar multiplication. But these follow easily from the properties of a norm (the fact that the operator norm satisfies all the properties of a norm for bounded functionals is an easy exercise that follows from properties of supremums in [0,∞)) , namely for any A,B∈B(X,Y) and λ∈C



Thus, B(X,Y) is a normed linear space.

Now assume that Y is a Banach space. Let {Ai} be a Cauchy sequence in B(X,Y), i.e. ∀ϵ>0, ∃N∈N such that ∀m,n>N, ∥An−Am∥<ϵ. Let x∈X be arbitrary. Let ϵ>0 be arbitrary. If x=0, then


If x≠0, choose N such that ∥An−Am∥<ϵ∥x∥. Then by a property of the operator norm, ∀m,n>N,


Thus, in both cases {Anx} is a Cauchy sequence in Y. Since Y is a Banach space, it is convergent to some element in Y. Call that element Ax, i.e.


Since x was arbitrary, Ax is defined for any x∈X. Thus, A is a map from X to Y defined by x→Ax. We need to show that A is linear, bounded, and An−→−−n→∞A in the operator norm. Notice that A is linear, since by linearity of An we get that for any x1,x2∈X, λ∈C,



Now recall that Cauchy sequences are bounded. Thus, ∀n, ∥An∥<C for some C∈R. Using this fact, we can see that A is bounded, since by continuity of a norm:

∥A∥=sup∥x∥≤1∥Ax∥=sup∥x∥≤1∥limn→∞Anx∥=sup∥x∥≤1limn→∞∥Anx∥=sup∥x∥≤1lim supn→∞∥Anx∥≤sup∥x∥≤1lim supn→∞(∥An∥⋅∥x∥)≤sup∥x∥≤1C⋅∥x∥=Csup∥x∥≤1∥x∥≤C

Finally, we want to show that An−→−−n→∞A in the operator norm. Let ϵ>0 be arbitrary. Recall that for an arbitrary x∈X, we have


Since {An} is Cauchy, choose N big enough such that for all n,m≥N, ∥(An−Am)∥<ϵ. Then the above inequality turns into


Now by continuity of a norm, we can take limit on both sides as m goes to infinity to obtain


Now taking supremum on both sides over all x such that ∥x∥≤1 yields


But this is equivalent to saying that for all n≥N,


And since ϵ was arbitrary, this implies that


in the operator norm. Thus, we conclude that B(X,Y) is a Banach space.

Answered by senthurkumaran2004


Step-by-step explanation:

(i) f(x) ≥ 0 for all x ∈ V

(ii) f(x + y) ≤ f(x) + f(y) for all x, y ∈ V

(iii) f(λx) = |λ|f(x) for all λ ∈ C and x ∈ V

(iv) f(x) = 0 if and only if x = 0

Property (ii) is called the triangle inequality, and property (iii) is called positive homgeneity.

We usually write a norm by kxk, often with a subscript to indicate which norm we are

refering to. For vectors x ∈ R

n or x ∈ C


the most important norms are as follows.

• The 2-norm is the usual Euclidean length, or RMS value.

kxk2 =








• The 1-norm

kxk1 =





• For any integer p ≥ 1 we have the p-norm

kxkp =








• The ∞-norm, also called the sup-norm. It gives the peak value.

kxk∞ = max




This notation is used because kxk∞ = limp→∞kxkp.

One can show that these functions each satisfy the properties of a norm. The norms are also

nested, so that

kxk∞ ≤ kxk2 ≤ kxk1

This is easy to see; just sketch the unit ball

{ x ∈ R


| kxk ≤ 1 }

for each of the norms, and notice that they are nested.

These norms also satisfy pairwise inequalities; for example

kxk1 ≤ nkxk∞ for all x ∈ C

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