psychology help in the realization of education aims
The aims and ideals of education are set by philosophy. Educational Psychology helps in realizing these goals and ideals. It helps primarily in answering questions of ‘how’ and ‘when’. How does learning of facts differ from learning of attitudes and purposes? How can appreciations and ideals be best developed? How can prejudices be uprooted? How can a problem be memorized most economically? How-should a child begin learning to read? Psychology can help us answer these questions.
Fundamental aim of educational psychology is to help the student of education and the teacher in understanding human nature so that he may be able to motivate and direct the learning and growth and conduct. Charles Skinner gives two objectives- cultural and professional. By the first he means that educational psychology has to enrich the life of the educator himself by changing the learner’s thoughts, feelings, attitudes, ideals, standards of values and conduct. By the second he means improvement in the quality of instruction.