Psychology, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

Psychology √

Q-- What is the most memorable lesson you learned from your Life??

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Answered by inamul7


You have to be patient in your life. Things will come around if you’re patient.

We believe things work out if we are in a hurry. It is true that we must be efficient and fast but sometimes we should not rush into anything. Patience is one of the key to success and people who cannot afford to wait should not expect better results. There’s a beautiful quote that resembles exactly what I mean- “Greatness takes time. Just remember it takes 13 hours to build a Toyota but 6 months to build a Rolls Royce.” So do the work and be patient.

Be kind and humble. But not with everybody-

One of the most common traits in people who did extraordinarily in their lives is that they are all humble and kindThese days’ people don’t believe in these moral values but no matter what the trend becomes nothing can beat the power of kindness. Kindness is the essence of our existence and if we sustain it we can make huge impacts in the lives of other people.However, I believe not everybody deserves our kindness. Some philosophical minds are of the opine that we should be kind with everybody no matter what. For some cases it is true but for others it isn’t because there’s no wisdom in making a fool of ourselves. The best way is to stop being anything with them. The best way is to stop exhibiting any emotions with people who can’t value kindness.

hope it helps bro..

Answered by ridhima1440

there are actually so many memorable lesson in my life few are :


being honest

i should not trust anyone so fast

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