Art, asked by prajwalcod1457, 8 months ago

Pubg explain all maps good locations to loot and kill.


Answered by GurvinderSingh720


Georgeopol is the answer

Answered by anushkaraj1927


military base



Settlements, shacks, villages and buildings

Mylta Power (and mini Power):

"Novo," or Novorepnoye crates:

here are some more


Military Base:

Loot quality: Very High

Loot quantity: Very High

Risk: Very High

The Military Base, on Erangel's smaller, southern island, has the most consistent amount of high-quality, military-grade loot. Military grade means things like level 3 helmets and body armour, plentiful scopes and attachments, medical gear and assault rifles.


Loot quality: High

Loot quantity: Very High

Risk: Very High

Stop landing here! Unless you want to practise, warm up, or die quickly that is. Pochinki has good loot and loads of it, but it's always packed, it's very hard to know where other teams are (and so very easy to be killed by them) because of the sheer number of places to hide, and it's just generally an all round death zone.

Hospital (plus Georgopol crates and southern buildings):

Loot quality: High

Loot quantity: Very High

Risk: High

The Hospital-Georgopol-crates area is all sort of connected. The best place is probably the Hospital - the H-shaped building just south of the town - as there are vast quantities of loot that's just below military-grade packed into its various corridors here, enough to kit out a full squad.


Loot quality: High

Loot quantity: High

Risk: Very High

The School - the big, central square-shaped building by Rozhok - is massively popular, and thus massively dangerous, because it's dead central positioning almost always puts it within landing distance of a drop from the plane.

Mylta Power (and mini Power):

Loot quality: Very High

Loot quantity: High

Risk: Medium

A personal favourite, the east coast's Mylta Power is a go-to drop when it's on the edge of the flight path. Thanks to its positioning, a path close to Mylta Power is also close to the Military Base, Mansion, Prison and Novorepnoye, which are all more popular options - and often distract players away from the Power plant.

"Novo," or Novorepnoye crates:

Loot quality: High

Loot quantity: Very High

Risk: High

Novo is a funny one - it's right in the corner of the map so can leave you a bit stranded, but there's always access to boats which can be very useful when used well (to sneak into the late game). The shipping containers (crates) are the best spot, so start with the warehouses there, then go through (and over the top of) the containers. Loads of loot here, but the houses nearby aren't so good, and be wary of both Military Base players and bridge trolls as you leave.

Prison, Mansion and Shelter:

Loot quality: High

Loot quantity: Medium

Risk: High

We've bundled these together as they're all nearby, and all small, dense, self-contained areas that are popular but solid options for looting, especially if you commute there from a more distant flight path to give yourself a safety buffer before anyone else arrives.

Medium-grade towns (Primorsk, Rozhok, Quarry, Ferry Pier, Water Town, north Georgopol, Zhorki, Severny, Lipovka, Yasnaya Polyana):

Loot quality: High

Loot quantity: Very High

Risk: High

Various "other towns" not specifically mentioned so far can often blur into one. They generally have loads of loot at a decent standard, but it can take a while to actually get it because it's so spread out between large numbers of buildings.

Settlements, shacks, villages and buildings:

Loot quality: High

Loot quantity: Very High

Risk: High

The more you play, the more you'll familiarise yourself with these assorted clusters of buildings around the map, and will probably have your own names for them amongst squads. Having a few "go-to" options that you repeatedly visit is a good way to get really familiar with your surroundings and increase your chances of winning face-offs with other rogue squads nearby.

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