English, asked by sophieraahie, 1 year ago

punctuate god had some other plans said the man he believed more in himself than anything around it was because of this wonderful idea that the triumph awaited him just at the other cornerWrite a dialogue between you and your partner upon the above moral.


Q3. Do as directed.

a. Give one word substitution.

1. A group of people who sing together especially in a church.

2. Very bad or much worse than expected. (0.5×2=1)

b. Punctuate the following.

god had some other plans said the man he believed more in himself

than anything around it was because of this wonderful idea that the

triumph awaited him just at the other corner (1.5)

c. Use these phrases in sentences of your own and write down the

meaning as well. (Any one)

1. turned into

2. nook and corner (01×01=01)

d. Remove ‘too’ and rewrite the sentences.

1. This news is too fake to be believed.

2. I am too tired to continue with my studies any more. (0.5×2=01)

e. Change the narration (Any one)

1. “You have all done very badly”, remarked the teacher.

2. Raqeeb asked Haris if he would exchange place with him.


f. Change the voice. (Any one)

1. These apples have been bought by me.

2. I had been polishing my shoes everyday. (0.5)

g. Use the verb as directed. (Any one)

1. The battery of my phone_____ since last few days.

( Present Perfect Continuous of rundown)

2. Fruits _______ rich antioxidants.

(Present Indefinite of ‘be’)


h. Translate into English. (0.5)

وں مہ مہ ےلھچپ یئک



ےس ااحتمن یک ایتریںیم ےگل وہےئ ںیہ۔​


Answered by aditikushwaha07


Its very hard plz short this!!!!!

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