Q.1 Answer the following questions A. Explain Mixed cell Reference. B. Explain the Autofill feature. C. Differentiate between function and formula. D. What is Octal Number System? E. What is Decimal Number System? F. Explain MSD. G. Explain LSD.
a) A mixed cell reference is either an absolute column and relative row or absolute row and relative column. When you add the $ before the column letter you create an absolute column or before the row number you create an absolute row.
b) AutoFill is a feature in Excel that automatically fills in a series of cells. For example, select cells you want to repeat, move the mouse pointer to the bottom-right of selection until it's a cross, and click-and-drag down as far as needed.
c) The difference is that a function is a built-in calculation, while a formula is a user-defined calculation. A formula could just use a single function. For example, if you enter =AVERAGE(A1:A56) , that is a formula, using the AVERAGE function.
d) The octal numeral system, or oct for short, is the base-8 number system, and uses the digits 0 to 7. Octal numerals can be made from binary numerals by grouping consecutive binary digits into groups of three (starting from the right). For example, the binary representation for decimal 74 is 1001010.
e) Decimal is a term that describes the base-10 number system, probably the most commonly used number system. The decimal number system consists of ten single- digit numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. ... In computing, the binary , octal , or hexadecimal number system may be used instead of the decimal system.
f) Ergonomics Plus' comprehensive definition of MSD: Musculoskeletal Disorders or MSDs are injuries and disorders that affect the human body's movement or musculoskeletal system (i.e. muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, discs, blood vessels, etc.).
g) Lysergic acid diethylamide, also known colloquially as acid, is a hallucinogenic drug. Effects typically include altered thoughts, feelings, and awareness of one's surroundings. Many users see or hear things that do not exist. Dilated pupils, increased blood pressure, and increased body temperature are typical.