English, asked by Anonymous, 1 month ago

Q.1 Answer the questions by choosing the correct option given. 5 1. What is essential for our existence? i) Water ii) T.V iii) Mobile iv) Toys 2. For how many days a person can survive without water? i) 10 ii) 20 iii) 30 iv) 40 3. Fill in the blank. “Objects in the mirror are _________than they appear”. i) higher ii) lower iii) closer iv) farther 4. Light is energy made of many very tiny parts called ___________. i) photo ii) photons iii) photoshop iv) photographer 5. Bio means life and Diversity means _______________. i) lifeline ii) importance iii) variety iv) death i LO. Gives answers of the questions like why, how to get more information material read. Q.2 Comprehension. 5 World without Chocolate! It could happen.  Chocolates are made from cocoa, which grows on cocoa that are cultivated in the forests of  South America, but today these plantations are at risk. Like cocoa, there are many other plants  and animal species that we use in everyday life without realising their importance. The rice we  eat, the clothes we wear, the rubber tyres we drive on, all originate from plants or animals. Many  of these species are under severe threat of extinction.  1) Where are cocoa trees cultivated? 2) Which plantation are at risk today? 3) List the things that originate from plants? 4) Find a word similar into Disappearance from the given paragraph. ) What is made from cocoa? LO Confidently presents their own experiences, thoughts & opinion. Q.3 Here are some ways you can use or misuse it. Put them in appropriate columns. 5 1) Use only as much water as you require. 2) Close the tap lightly after use. 3) Throw garbage near water source when on picnic. 4) Organize tree plantation activities. 5) Wash your vehicle in rivers or ponds. Do’s Don’ts LO Writes essays stories from the given points & given characters. Q.4 Write a paragraph on following. 5 1) Water - our basic need. LO Makes uses of examples, meanings, antonyms, synonyms, tense, type of sentence, singular,  plural, noun etc.  Q.5 Do as directed. 5 A) Give opposite B) Give meaning renewable × dispose directly × recreation available ×​


Answered by ItzSuperBranded03


  1. water
  2. 20
  3. closer
  4. photons
  5. variety


hope this helps U......

please mark as brainlist.......

Answered by Anonymous


1. What is essential for our existence?  = water

 2. For how many days a person can survive without water?  = 10

3. Fill in the blank.  “Objects in the mirror are __farther_______than they appear”.  

4. Light is energy made of many very tiny parts called ___photons_______.

5. Bio means life and Diversity means ___variety____________.

Q.2   1) Where are cocoa trees cultivated?  

=They are cultivated in the forests of   South America.

2) Which plantation are at risk today?


3) List the things that originate from plants?

= Chocolate, rice, clothes( fiber), rubber.

4) Find a word similar into Disappearance from the given paragraph.


What is made from cocoa?  


Q.3 Here are some ways you can use or misuse it. Put them in appropriate columns. .  3) Throw garbage near water source when on picnic. 4) Organize tree plantation activities. 5  Wash your vehicle in rivers or ponds.1) Use only as much water as you require 2) Close the tap lightly after use.  

  Q.5 Do as directed. 5  A) Give opposite B) Give meaning  

 ×​ renewable= non-renewable         -              capable of being renewed.

 ×​ dispose  directly = go direct        -                to settle a matter finally.

× recreation  available ×= work        -              Recreation is an activity of                                                                                         -                                                                   leisure being discretionary time.


hope it helps u

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