Q.1 following the write a passage quesion in answer ?
succes in your life depend largely on good health keep your body fit by eleanliness,fresh air,regular habits and suitable reereations, make yourself strong play games and to do it in every sense of the word.avoid anything that will sap your strength. smoking in your youth stunts the body and clouds the brain.be temperate in all things and beware of drink. it is the deadly enemy of health and efficiency.above all, remember that your character is a priceless possession. there fore keep it untarished.be truthful in all things,courtcous and considerate to everybody,fair to your rivals,kind and helpful to all who are weak and suffering and do not be afraid to have the courage to stand up for what is good,pure and noble.
Q.1. how can we mantion good health?
Q.2.what things should we avoid?
Q.3.what kind of chacater should we develop?
Q.4. what are the qualities of a good human beings.
Q.5. give a suitable little to the above passage.
1 .we can keep good health by keeping our body fit by eleanliness,fresh air regular habits and suitable reaction by making urself as strong play games and to do it in every sense of the word
2.we should avoid which sap our strength we should avoid this thing in our life
3.above which are there that r. a priceless procession
4.we should be kindful and truthful in all things ,courtcousand considerateto everybody,fair to your rivals, helping nature ,and be helpful for poor and weak person and suffering and do not be afraid to have the courage to stand up for what is good,pure and Noble this are truth habits ,and good qualities of human beings
this is very good and interested passage 1st time I read it is so impressive
plz mark my answer as brilliant