Q-1 how did mira comfort zenie?
Q2 how did the class bheave with zenie?why do you think they wese doing that ?
Q3 described any two mira's character?
Q-4 imagin you were in zenies place?how would you responded to the behaviour of your classmates?
Ans 1) That has become a mantra among success gurus.
Of course, it makes sense. If you only do the same old things, then you won't change your current circumstances. If you keep doing what you already know, then you won't grow.
That simple... or is it?
Growing, whether in the form of learning a new skill or taking your business to the next level, is not as straightforward as just going outside your comfort zone.
Few people realize this: outside your comfort zone is a vast space, and not everything out there is going to be good for you.
Ans 2) Zenie wore her state's traditional dress and performed a dance.
Ans 3) The first mention of Mira in the story is an important and explicit description of her character: "The motherly Mira intervened." In the group of brothers and sisters and cousins, the children are unruly and competitive. Mira stays out of the fray and attempts to bring order to the games...
Ans 4) I just tell to the class teacher or I take action Is the class behaviour is bad at me so it means.